Aerotropolis stormwater development requirements

Information for developers

Sydney Water is responsible for the new Western Sydney Aerotropolis precincts' major stormwater infrastructure. This integrated water system will be the largest stormwater harvesting scheme in Australia. The information on this page will help developers applying for Section 73 Compliance Certificates.

Planning to develop in an Aerotropolis precinct?
Call us on 13 20 92 8am–5:30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays) for advice. Ask for the City, Growth & Development team.

Our responsibility

The NSW Government has appointed Sydney Water as the Regional Stormwater Authority in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis precincts, including the Mamre Road Precinct. We're responsible for delivering, managing and maintaining the regional stormwater network alongside our drinking water, wastewater and recycled water networks.

We're managing the Aerotropolis precincts' drainage networks in partnership with Penrith City and Liverpool City councils, which will manage the non-trunk drainage stormwater network within the roads and streets.

Under section 65 of the Sydney Water Act 1994, 'stormwater drainage area' is defined and specific stormwater drainage areas are declared. This enables us to levy stormwater drainage area charges across catchments within the Aerotropolis precincts.

Design of stormwater works

If you are constructing works required by us, your design needs to be certified before you can start work. All design work should be consistent with the draft Stormwater scheme infrastructure design guideline: Western Sydney and its appendices:

Finalised plans for developers

We'll list the area's stormwater schemes for developers here, as they're finalised. You can find out more about the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Stormwater project in Sydney Water Talk.

Document What it's about

Stormwater management framework for Aerotropolis and Mamre Road precincts: Stormwater scheme principles

Guiding principles for stormwater schemes with input from the development industry in 2022.

Mamre Road and Aerotropolis integrated stormwater and recycled water: Net Developable Area fact sheet

Guidance on the calculation of Net Developable Area (NDA). Applies to development proposals in the Mamre Road and Aerotropolis initial precincts.

Mamre Road precinct integrated stormwater scheme plan update

View the Mamre Road precinct integrated stormwater scheme plan update.

Mamre Road precinct integrated stormwater scheme plan map

This map shows the regional stormwater and recycled water infrastructure required to service the Mamre Road precinct, which we will manage.

Mamre Road Precinct scheme plan data (792 KB, ZIP)

Detail of the integrated stormwater scheme assets for the Mamre Road Precinct. Download the GIS and MUSIC model files to integrate into development applications in the precinct.

Mamre Road MUSIC cluster models data (478 KB, ZIP)

Detail of the integrated stormwater scheme assets for the Mamre Road Precinct. Download these files to integrate into development applications in the precinct.