Applicant details

Manufacturer details

Local distributor details

Product information


The product is manufactured and tested in accordance with:

Supporting documentation

Before you submit this application, please make sure you've attached:

  • installation, operation and maintenance manuals
  • sound scientific or engineering validation data demonstrating claimed product performance
  • technical or engineering drawings illustrating scaled dimensions, plumbing pipework and electrical wiring where relevant (supplied as PDFs and not in DWG format)
  • current engineering certification to relevant Australian and/or international standards
  • current quality manufacturing systems certification (such as ISO 9001)
  • previous approval certification from other Australian water utilities
  • if chemical based, instructions including the quantities required for all uses recommended by the manufacturer
  • any relevant material safety data sheets.

    No files selected

    We accept JPG, PNG and PDF files

    Acknowledgement of disclaimer and release

    Please read the Acknowledgement of disclaimer and release and the Terms and conditions before you submit this application.

    Please note: if the product is approved, an Approval Certificate containing non-proprietary information shall be issued. Approval Certificates are publicly available via the Sydney Water website.

    • I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information disclosed herein is correct.
    • I agree to each of the terms set out in the attached Approval Certificate and in the acknowledgement of disclaimer and release set out above.
    • I certify that I have sufficient authority, or have been delegated sufficient authority, to execute this document on behalf of the company submitting this application.

    This service is currently unavailable.
    Sorry, we can't receive your application to list your pre-treatment equipment at the moment. Please try again later. We apologise for the inconvenience.


    We've received your application

    Thanks for your application. We'll contact you once we've assessed your product based on the details you've provided.